User Manuals

Below are the current user manuals and specifications. We update them regularly. Please use the most current online version to ensure you have the most recent information.

Our Optic 101 video tutorials here are available as a supplement to the written manual.

Optic-specific LightBurn setup files

Download our latest custom LightBurn setup files to customize the software for the Optic Portable Laser Cutter. We provide step-by-step instructions in the user manual and in this Optic 101 | LightBurn Setup video

'Hello World' Project

We designed the 'Hello World' project as a first project to cover the basics from start to finish and to confirm that your Optic is in the same excellent condition as right before we shipped it to you. Once you finish your 'Hello World' project, you can compare it with the benchmark we placed in the envelope. We provide step-by-step instructions in the user manual and in this Optic 101 | 'Hello World' Project video